2016 – 2022
Social Finance was the solution for two sporting change-makers on the island of Ireland. Finn Valley Athletics Club in Donegal and CLG Tuar Mhic Eadaigh in Mayo have used the funds from Community Finance Ireland to develop their facilities which has in turn lead to success both on and off the pitch and the track.
Arts and Heritage

The Arts are the beating heart of any community, we are all appreciative of the importance of our history and traditions and the creation of art is a stimulus and cornerstone to a thriving society.


The health and wellbeing of children is vital to our communities. We were all once children ourselves. Supporting development and opportunity, for those who are possible future leaders, is always a good days’ work.

Community Services

As one of the largest active volunteering citizens in the world, community and a sense of belonging is part of the DNA of the island of Ireland.

Education and Training

In an increasingly competitive world, our personal development and education is a lifelong task – not just for when we are at a certain age. Everyone benefits from learning – whatever their abilities.

Enterprise and Workspace

Our world evolves. Our work practices evolve and the growth of social enterprises as a means to not only do good but create sustainable jobs is fast becoming the norm.


What imprint we leave for the next generation is a bigger question for everyone. The benefits of a healthy place and healthy space is well documented. Leaving the right footprint is the job of all of us.


Increasingly the need for comfort and togetherness is all around us. Our work with a diverse range of faiths is one of the most rewarding themes we have seen over the past few years.

Health and Wellbeing

Our team have worked with volunteers and leaders across the island who are witnessing an increase in the need for their services as our citizens struggle to find help with mental health and addiction issues.


Everyone needs a place to call home and yet it is becoming increasingly difficult for those with low incomes to find a roof. Our team support the ethos of affordable and comfortable housing for everyone.


The love of the game is in many of us – whether as a player, coach or a fan. The benefits of sport to our mental health is well proven. Our team continue to work with those who keep passing the baton on, generation to generation.


The island of Ireland has a lot to offer visitors from both home and far away. Tourism is the heartbeat of the economy, creating jobs, generating income and bringing us together in ways that bring real joy.